Friday, June 26, 2009

June 26, 2009 - Take that, New York!

Life -

Not much goin' on... Still haven't mowed the other half of my lawn, I'm starting to wish that I'd done the front 1/4 and the back 1/4 so that it looked like a mohawk now...

Lindsay is officially on the same graves rotation as me, so that's gonna be nice, once we become accustomed to the sleeping arrangements.

Going to Mama Inez and the thrift store for cheap books again today. Viva La Friday!

Writing -

On April 26th, I started writing The Whispering Ferns. As of today, exactly two months later and 49,500 words later, it is on its way to New York to be judged. A little nerve wracking, but also pretty damn fulfilling. Now, I just have to write the Zombie Novel, re-write a few sections on Whispering Ferns that I didn't have time to obsess over before, start plotting book two, finish the illustrations for book one and find some time to breathe.


Steve at Random said...

You are a gifted writer and storyteller. Don't fret over the contest. Whether you win or lose, there are many other avenues. I think you have a brilliantly bright future as a writer of fiction. I find it amazing that I'm related to you!

randymeiss said...

Ditto, I'm not a relative, but I'm priveleged to be able to read your work. You are a gifted writer AND illustrator. If you ever get to ND It would be a pleasure seeing you (and family and dogs) in person.