Friday, March 18, 2011

The Death Star Will Be Completed On Schedule


Caroline Tung Richmond said...

Haha, this is AWESOME! I loved Legos as a kid--my brother and I spent hours taking apart and rebuilding our lego castles. Sigh. Fun memories!

Unknown said...

Heck yeah! Castle was always the best. One of the first things I thought when I built this was "Ooooh look at all of the grey tiles... perfect for a CASTLE!" hahaha

randymeiss said...

Love it! Please keep the photos coming. Posing the little dudes to make it look like they're constructing really was a stroke of genius.

Unknown said...

Thanks, Randy! I don't have many pictures left, but I'll take a few to finish it up before the final review. It's an awesome set in all senses of the word.