Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Summer... Still.

Sorry I've been absent. Between work, which has been as busy as ever a new venture for some extra $$ and this nasty summer cold I've contracted, it seems like all I do is sweat, sleep and work.

I'll be back tomorrow with a new blog though!


The Grows said...

You are still doing way better then me lately. So that should make you feel a little bit better.

randymeiss said...

I would concur. Even when you're ill, you outpost me by a considerable margin. Get better soon!

Steve at Random said...

I think you should go to work for the state tourism department. You have done a lot through your blog to tell us Midwesterners about your lovely state.

Unknown said...

Thanks guys. Luckily, my cold is slipping away, though I'm as swamped with stuff as ever. Now Lindsay has it, and it's worse than mine was.